
What we can offer you

We provide detailed transactional data, cost benchmarks and in-depth analytics for participants in the wood raw materials supply chain.
  • Pricing Data
  • Benchmarks
  • Product Forecasting
  • Advisory Services
  • Analytics
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SilvaStat360 Platform

  • Price Benchmarks
  • The Beck Group’s Sawmill TQ
  • Timber Supply Analysis 
  • Global Economic Data

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From biomass suppliers in the Baltics to pulp producers in Brazil and TIMOs in the United States, Forest2Market provides products and services for suppliers, producers and other stakeholders in the global forest products industry.

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Timber Prices

Transactional data providing a full-spectrum view of market dynamics

Forest2Market’s timber price database contains 20 years worth of transaction-level details from more than $6 billion in timber sales. This transactional data provides a full-spectrum view of market dynamics and includes detailed information supplied by forest products companies, wood dealers, loggers, consultants and landowners.

Forest2Market’s timber price data is unique, as it is the only comprehensive set of data that is collected at the transaction level. Every piece of data collected by Forest2Market goes through a rigorous validation and standardization process before being entered into our unique databases; each transaction, along with its sales attributes or cost components, is reviewed before it is entered. The depth and breadth of this data allows for unparalleled insight into both stumpage and delivered prices.

Forest2Market Timber Pricing Products

Explore our products & services

Delivered Wood Price Benchmarks

Benchmarks allow companies to compare their data with aggregated industry data from other organizations. Companies interested in improving their performance use them to set meaningful goals, gain insight into trends occurring across the industry and discover how they are doing compared to their peers. Forest2Market's Delivered Wood Raw Material Price Benchmarks are the standard against which suppliers and consumers of wood raw materials around the world measure their performance.

Improve Performance

Track price changes and identify trends in a dynamic market, negotiate raw material and residual price changes, secure and stabilize supply agreements and compare pricing to the market at large.

Global Coverage

All wood raw materials sold or purchased by subscribers are reported by species and product class. Forest2Market currently produces Delivered Price Benchmarks that cover Eastern and Western North America, the US South, and Brazil.

Neutral Expertise

As a neutral third party, Forest2Market is an independent source of wood and fiber supply chain expertise and does not buy or sell timberland, timber or wood fiber of any kind.

Timberland Consulting Services

Forest2Market works closely with timberland owners, buyers and sellers to build customized studies and consulting engagements that answer specific business questions and address specific concerns. Forest2Market can customize a research project for specific needs, as well as provide strategic advisement and guidance about capital allocation, mergers and acquisitions, new project development, timberland investments and contracting.

Due Diligence

A Forest2Market due diligence study provides data to demonstrate project quality for investors and commercial lenders. These studies deliver an independent, third-party assessment of supply and demand factors, as well as feedstock sustainability and price.

Maximize Revenue

Successful timberland owners and managers pursue continuous improvements that drive revenue growth. Our custom timberland advisory services provide a data-backed framework for achieving these business goals.

Market Analysis

Custom analyses provide a quantification of supply and demand dynamics in local markets, including current and historical growth-to-removal ration, raw material pricing by product and species, price components and much more.


Articles & Insights

Explore our in-depth content related to timber prices

Looking for more detailed information about current timber prices and market trends? Forest2Market’s award-winning blog is a trusted source of information serving the global forest supply chain.

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